A table published by Maurice Fishberg, based on mean cephalic indices of Jews and Gentiles in the same districts in Russia gave: [sigma]J = 83.05 and oJ = 1.888.121; mG = 83.50 and [sigma]g[long dash]2.093,741, the correlation of the cephalic indices being 0.8365. Contrary to Boas'' contention, Pearson rules out the influence of environment on the index and attributes it to the fact that there is a very considerable amt. of Jewish-Gentile intermarriage. This is borne out by the fact that in Germany between 1906-1930, 15.6% of the persons of Jewish descent who married, married Gentiles while for the years 1924-1930 this % had risen to 20.8%. The author believes that in the United States, Jewish-Gentile marriages will be found to correspond closely to the condition of affairs among the western nations of Europe.