Serum antibody and opsonic responses after immunization with pneumococcal vaccine in kidney transplant recipients and controls

We immunized 31 renal transplant patients and 6 control subjects with a pneumococcal vaccine containing 14 capsular polysaccharides. Antibody levels to Streptococcus pneumoniae types 3 and 6A were measured by a radioimmunoassay, and opsonic activity to S. pneumoniae types 3 and 6B was determined by using a luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence phagocytic assay on serum samples obtained before and 1 month after immunization. There was a 10.2-fold and a 2.9-fold increase in antibody to S. pneumoniae type 3 (P less than 0.005) and type 6A (P less than 0.01), respectively, but only a 1.3-fold (P greater than 0.05) and 1.1-fold (P greater than 0.05) increase in opsonic activity. For S. pneumoniae type 3, changes in opsonic activity correlated well with antibody concentration (P less than 0.05). However, for S. pneumoniae type 6, these two tests correlated poorly (P greater than 0.05). This poor correlation suggests that concentrations of antibody to type 6A polysaccharide which are achieved after immunization may not be opsonically active in vitro against S. pneumoniae type 6B.