Molecular cloning and analysis of chromosome band 11q23 involved in leukaemia‐associated translocations

Three overlapping yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) spanning a 780 kb region of DNA around the CD3 locus on chromosome 11 have been isolated and characterised. The individual cloned regions have been mapped by in situ hybridisation to chromosome band 11 q23, and a restriction enzyme map of this region has been constructed. The positions of these clones in relation to a series of leukaemia‐associated chromosomal translocations has also been determined. It was concluded that, although two clones lay entirely proximal to the breakpoints examined, the third clone (13HH4) encompassed the breakpoints for the translocations t(4;11), t(6;11), and t(9;11). The t(9;11) was observed in an acute myeloid leukaemia in a patient previously treated for an unrelated malignancy. It would thus appear that the breakpoints at chromosome band 11q23 occurring in therapy‐related leukaemias are in the same region as those found in adult and childhood acute leukaemias and may result from a common underlying mechanism.