A Basic Fuchsin and Alkalinized Methylene Blue Rapid Stain for Epoxyembedded Tissue

Section 1[mu] thick of epoxy-embedded, OsO4-fixed tissues were stained with 4% aqueous basic fuchsin at 70 C for 1 min., rinsed well and destained, also at 70 C, for 1 min. A 2% aqueous methylene blue solution, alkalinized to pH 12.5 by mixing 1 N NaOH with the dye on the slide in the proportion of about 2:1, was then allowed to act for 2 min. at 25-27 C. The stain was rinsed off the slide, and the preparation air dried before applying a mounting medium and cover glass. The mounting medium consisted of immersion oil sealed with epoxy household cement. Stains had not faded after 1 yr. The method is simple, rapid (total time 4-5 min. ), and provides sharp contrast between cellular and connective tissue components.