Fatty acids in green algae cultivated on a pilot-plant scale

Fatty acids fromChlorella vulgaris, Scenedesmus obliquus var.acutus and from a mixed culture of the two strains, Melnik, were converted to methyl esters, separated by gas chromatography, and identified by means of standards. The spectrum of fatty acids included both saturated and unsaturated acids (with odd and even numbers of carbon atoms) from C12 to C22. Fatty acids C16:0, C18:0 and C20:3 were the major components in all cultures. Pure strains differed from the mixed culture in the production of C18:1, C12:0 and C19:2 acids; the first of these was present in higher amounts in pure cultures only, the latter two being found in the mixed culture. The level of lipids was lower as compared to the literature data and their extractability was affected by the manner of preparation of algae and extraction conditions.