The nervous system is uncommonly affected by sarcoidosis. An impressive array of neurologic signs and symptoms may appear when involvement does occur. The purpose of this communication is to present 18 patients with histologically verified sarcoidosis who exhibited neurologic manifestations at some point in their illness. These neurologic manifestations could be related to the three nervous system areas; central nervous system, including brain, spinal cord, and meninges; peripheral nerves; and cranial nerves. Interestingly, cranial and peripheral nerve involvement characteristically occurred in patients whose sarcoidosis was of recent onset, whereas central nervous system lesions commonly manifested themselves later in the course. The site of involvement also influenced prognosis. Facial palsy, a frequent finding, proved to be transitory, while peripheral nerve lesions lasted somewhat longer. Central nervous system lesions, on the other hand, fared relatively poorly with slow recovery which was often incomplete, even with treatment. Patient Material The 18 patients with