The Distribution of Photosynthetic Pathway Types on a Mixed-grass Prairie Hillside
- 1 January 1984
- journal article
- research article
- Published by JSTOR in The American Midland Naturalist
- Vol. 111 (1) , 138-142
Plant distributions were examined on a N-facing, mixed-grass prairie hillside near Fort Collins, Colorado. Three plant communities were recognized along the hillside. An Agropyron smithii-dominated community was found at the hilltop, while a Poa-Hordeum-dominated community was located at the base of the slope. Midslope areas supported a Bouteloua-Agropyron-dominated community. Each topographic location had different soil moistures and textures. Grasses with the C4 photosynthetic pathway had highest importance values on well-drained sites where soil moisture was lowest and soils were coarsest. C3 graminoids predominated on the relatively moist upper and lower portions of the hillside.This publication has 8 references indexed in Scilit:
- Species distribution and community organization in a Nebraska Sandhills mixed prairie as influenced by plant/soil-water relationshipsOecologia, 1982
- The Seasonal Contribution of C"3 and C"4 Plant Species to Primary Production in a Mixed PrairieEcology, 1980
- Distribution of biomass of species differing in photosynthetic pathway along an altitudinal transect in southeastern wyoming grasslandOecologia, 1980
- The distribution of C3 and C4 grasses and carbon isotope discrimination along an altitudinal and moisture gradient in KenyaOecologia, 1979
- Occurrence of C 3 and C 4 Photosynthetic Pathways in North American GrassesJournal of Range Management, 1979
- Climatic patterns and the distribution of C4 grasses in North AmericaOecologia, 1976
- Soil‐Landscape Relationships in a Closed Drainage SystemSoil Science Society of America Journal, 1974
- Some grassland communities in the mountain-front zone in northern ColoradoPlant Ecology, 1957