Nomenclature of the Proteins of Cow's Milk—Second Revision

The Nomenclature Committee has given particular attention to genetic polymorphism in the proteins of cow''s milk, and has adopted a nomenclature scheme which embraces genetic designations. The [beta]-lactoglo-bulins are to be referred to as [beta]-lactoglobulins A, B, and C. Three genetic forms of [beta]-casein have been reported to occur either singly or in paris in the milk of individual cows, and are appropriately referred to as [beta]-caseins A, B, and C. The term [alpha]s1 -casein has been recommended and refers to those components of the a-casein complex that are precipitated by calcium and and stabilized by [image][long dash]casein against precipitation by calcium. They constitute the major proportion of the as-caseins, and have reported to exist in 3 genetic forms, A, B, and C. The genetic forms of [alpha]s1- and [beta]-caseins can be conveniently indenti-fied by their relative mobilities by zonal electrophoresis.

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