Iron Metabolism and Erythrocyte Formation in Fish

Iron metabolism in tench was studied. At 18° up to 70 per cent of injected Fe59 was taken up by the erythrocytes. In the first days of the experiment an appreciable part, up to 20 per cent, of the Fe59 is present in the erythrocytes as non‐hemoglobin iron, the latter decreases with time. Hemoglobin (Hb) concentration amounted to 5.4 g%, erythrocyte number 1.04×106 per mm3. Serum iron was found to be 61 ü g% and iron binding capacity 250 üg%. Plasma iron half disappearance rate is 4 hours. In fish kept at 5° iron taken up by erythrocytes amounts to 4 per cent only. Both in at 18° and 5° kept fish one Hb fraction and one transferrin fraction was found only. At high oxygen concentration or in nitrogen atmosphere less Fe59 is incorporated in in vitro experiments into erythrocyte hemin than in air. The life time of about 60 per cent of erythrocytes amounts to about 150 days at 18°, indications of longer‐living erythrocytes were found.

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