Disproportionate alpha- and beta-mRNA sodium pump subunit content in canine vascular smooth muscle.

Total RNA isolated from canine saphenous vein smooth muscle cells was examined for Na+ pump alpha- and beta-mRNA content by three increasingly sensitive methods: Northern analysis, RNase protection assay, and polymerase chain reaction. Northern analysis clearly showed the presence of beta-mRNA. An alpha 1 signal was not demonstrable using either Northern analysis with a 1.5-kb cDNA probe or RNase protection. However, an "alpha 1-like" transcript was detected using polymerase chain reaction with two sets of primers constructed to selected areas of the rat alpha 1-cDNA. These data suggest that beta-mRNA in canine blood vessels is in large excess of the alpha 1-mRNA. This discrepancy may be reflected in the relatively low number of Na+ pump sites in this tissue.

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