Lower Serum Thyroxine Levels in Rats following Prenatal Exposure to Ethanol

Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is noted for poor growth, developmental delays, and mental retardation. In animals, prenatal alcohol exposure alters anatomical, physiological, and neurochemical maturation and produces behavioral changes similar to those in children. Since thyroid hormones are critical trophic factors for normal somatic and neural maturation, and since fetal thyroid hormones are profoundly affected by acute maternal ethanol administration, we hypothesized that postnatal effects of prenatal alcohol exposure may be related to abnormal thyroid hormone development. We report here that young rats exposed to alcohol in utero have significantly lower serum total thyroxine (T4) concentrations than normal and pair-fed control rats. The results suggest prenatal ethanol exposure may compromise thyroid development in ways not attributable to undernutrition or developmental delays alone. Lowered total T4 levels may be a teratogenic outcome of prenatal alcohol exposure, which could contribute to impaired growth, altered neural organization, and behavioral dysfunction.