Determination of the maximal tumor/normal skin ratio after HpD or m-THPC administration in hairless mouse (SKh-1) by fluorescence spectroscopy???a non-invasive method

Two major steps in our study on the treatment of skin tumors by photochemotherapy (PCT) were the development of a skin tumor model In hairless mice by chemical carcinogenesls and by the use fluorescence spectroscopy, a semi-quantitative and non-invasive method, to determine the time after l.p. in|ectlon of photosensltizer when the tumor/normal skin ratio is the highest. Carcinogenesis provided mice bearing many benign papillomas and these were used to determine the tumor/normal skin ratios of two photosensltlzers by fluorescence spectroscopy. Hematoporphyrin derivative (HpD) (5 mg/kg body weight) and mtetra( hydroxyphenyl)-chlorln (m-THPC) (0.3 mg/kg body weight) were injected, and fluorescence measured at 4, 8, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h after Injection. The best tumor/normal skin ratio was 6.2 for HpD and 5.1 for m-THPC. The times required to reach these ratios were 48 h for HpD and 72 h for m-THPC. Published reports Indicate that m-THPC gives a much higher tumor/normal skin ratio than HpD. These results must be confirmed by organic extraction. Photodynamic therapy with the same doses of HpD and m-THPC used In this pharmacoklnetic study must also be carried out to compare the toxicities of the two photosensitizers and to determine which is best for this type of tumor.

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