Bioflavonoid Therapy in Sensorineural Hearing Loss: A Double-Blind Study

Purpose THE PURPOSE of this paper is to report the effects of lemon bioflavonoid therapy in three forms of sensorineural hearing loss. A double-blind technique was followed throughout the study. Introduction H. L. Williams,1 in August 1962, reported the successful use of the lemon bioflavonoids in Meniere's disease. In a paper presented before the Otologic Society in August 1963, Williams reported the beneficial effects of lemon bioflavonoid complex in Meniere's disease in 95 of 122 patients. Forty five of the 95 had experienced improved hearing of at least 10 db in three continguous frequencies.2 Williams also reported that 11 of 52 patients with sensorineural hearing loss (exclusive of Meniere's disease) treated with the same preparation showed a similar hearing improvement. Although Williams3,4 stressed the use of the medication in Meniere's disease, clinicians began to prescribe, and have continued to prescribe, the medication for various forms of