To assess the potential differential lung tumour expression of NAD(P)H:quinone reductase (NQO1), the human (h) NQO1 promoter was characterized in gene transfer studies. A deletion panel of 5' flanking hNQO1 promoter constructs was made and tested in transient transfection assays in NSCLC and SCLC cell lines. The largest hNQO1 construct (-1539/+115) containing the antioxidant response element (ARE), exhibited robust levels of reporter activity in the NSCLC (H460, H520, and A549) cell lines and expression was over 12 to 77-fold higher than the minimal (-259/+115) promoter construct. In contrast, there was little difference in promoter activity between the largest and minimal promoter construct in the SCLC (H146, H82 and H187) cell lines. Deletion of the sites for NFkappaB and AP-2 and the XRE did not significantly affect hNQO1 promoter activity in either the NSCLC or SCLC cell lines. Robust promoter activity in NSCLC lines was mediated by a 359 bp segment of the proximal promoter that contained a canonical AP-1 binding site, TGACTCAG, within the ARE. Gel supershift assays with various specific Fos/Jun antibodies identified Fra1, Fra2 and Jun B binding activity in NSCLC cells to a promoter fragment (-477 to -438) spanning the AP-1 site, whereas SCLC do not appear to express functional Fra or Jun B. These results suggest a possible role for AP-1 activity in the differential expression of hNQO1 in NSCLC.