A policy language for a pervasive computing environment

In this paper we describe a policy language designedfor pervasive computing applications that is based on deonticconcepts and grounded in a semantic language. Thepervasive computing environments under consideration arethose in which people and devices are mobile and use variouswireless networking technologies to discover and accessservices and devices in their vicinity. Such pervasiveenvironments lend themselves to policy-based security dueto their extremely dynamic nature. Using policies allowsthe security functionality to be modified without changingthe implementation of the entities involved. However, alongwith being extremely dynamic these environments also tendto span several domains and be made up of entities of variedcapabilities. A policy language for environments of thissort needs to be very expressive but lightweight and easilyextensible. We demonstrate the feasibility of our policy languagein pervasive environments through a prototype usedas part of a secure pervasive system.

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