Aluminum Inhibits the Fast Phase of Voltage‐Dependent Calcium Influx into Synaptosomes

: Aluminum has been shown to have neurotoxic effects, but the mechanisms by which it acts are not well understood. Because it has been reported that aluminum can interact with Ca2+‐binding sites, the possibility that aluminum might interfere with Ca2+ influx into synaptosomes was examined. At concentrations of 50 μM and greater, aluminum significantly inhibited the fast phase (0–1 s) of the voltage‐dependent uptake of 45Ca2+ into synaptosomes. Higher concentrations of aluminum also reduced 45Ca2+ uptake measured at 1 s in nondepolarizing media and inhibited the slow phase of 45Ca2+ uptake into synaptosomes whether they were suspended in either low K or high K media. The possibility that aluminum competitively inhibits the fast phase of Ca2+ influx was investigated. Aluminum (250 μM) increased the apparent KT (concentration of Ca2+ at which Ca2+ transport is half maximal) for 45Ca2+ of fast phase voltage‐dependent channels and slightly decreased the maximal influx (Jmax). These effects are characteristic of a mixed type inhibitor, and the apparent Kt for A13+ is estimated to be 0.64 mM. The interaction of aluminum with the fast phase of voltage‐dependent calcium influx may disrupt intraneuronal calcium homeostasis and may also represent a means by which aluminum could accumulate intraneuronally.