Synthesis, Reactions, and Selected Physico-Chemical Properties of 1,3-and 1,2-Tetrachalcogenafulvalenes

This review describes the synthesis of 1,3-tetrachalcogenafulvalenes and 1,2-tretrathiafulvalenes, the chemical transformation of substituents, reactions of the ring system, and the synthesis of polymers with 1,3-tetrathiafulvalene units in the backbone and in the side chain. 1,2-And 1,3-tetrachalcogenafulvalenes synthesized until now and selected properties (melting point, u.v.-vis. absorption data and oxidation potential) are recorded in appropriate tables. The literature until the end of 1985 is taken into account. Preparations of important starting compounds for the synthesis of tetrachalcogenafulvalenes (like 1,2-and 1,3-dithiole, 1,3-thiaselenole, and 1,3-diselenole derivatives) have been considered in this review. For selected charge-transfer complexes of tetrachalcogenafulvalenes the relation between molecule structure and solid-state structure, respectively, and electric conductivity are discussed. Other physical properties of the solid state of the complexes were not considered. Possibilities for the application of these charge-transfer complexes are also mentioned.