Orphans of the AIDS epidemic in the United States: Transition-related characteristics and psychosocial adjustment at 6 months after mother's death

This study has two purposes: (1) to describe the characteristics related to the transition to orphanhood for children whose mothers die from AIDS and (2) to examine the psychosocial adjustment of these children at six months following maternal death. Twenty orphans and a control sample of 40 children from the same neighbourhoods, as well as their mothers or care-givers, served as participants. Two assessments occurred: (1) prior to the death of the mother in the orphan group and (2) six months after her death. The results indicated that relatives, particularly maternal grandparents, became the new care-giver of the orphans, no more than one residential move had occurred following the mother's death, and the new care-givers were providing a stable home environment. Child psychosocial adjustment did not change following maternal death.