DNA Ploidy Profiles as Prognostic Indicators in CIN Lesions

The prognostic significance of DNA ploidy measurements in cervical tissues was examined. Microphotometric measurements of 302 Feulgen-stained tissue sections (91 normal squamous epithelia, 14 condylomata, 29 cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) I, 78 CIN II, and 90 CIN III) were performed with a personal computer (PC)-based video microphotometry system. Analysis of these data shows that the DNA profile provides significant prognostic information: CINs with a polyploid DNA profile are more likely to return to normal than are those exhibiting an aneuploid pattern. Of 211 abnormal cases, 38% had polyploid DNA profiles and 62% were aneuploid. Eight-six percent of the cases that regressed were polyploid and 14% were aneuploid. Of the 130 aneuploid DNA cases, 95% remained static or progressed and only 5% regressed. Of these nonregressing aneuploid lesions, 90 remained static and 34 progressed, whereas within the nonregressing polyploid group 37 remained static and only 6 progressed. This result holds across diagnostic categories. Several other ploidy-related descriptors also showed prognostic significance (including mean ploidy, the 5N exceeding rate and 2N deviation index, and discriminant functions derived from order statistic analysis of the cumulative DNA histograms), but not to the degree or with the consistency of expression as the DNA profile categorization. These results indicate that important information about the prognosis of CIN lesions may be obtained by the DNA profile on Feulgen-stained tissue specimens. The data were acquired by a cytophotometry system of relatively modest cost consisting of readily available hardware components.