1 The effects of aspirin, carboxyheptylimidazole (CHI) and creatine phosphate/creatine phosphokinase (CP/CPK) on platelet aggregation and thromboxane B2 (TxB2) formation induced by collagen have been examined in vitro. Platelets from two species, man and the rat, have been used. 2 In man, aspirin and CHI abolished TxB2 production but only partially inhibited aggregation. CP/CPK partially inhibited aggregation and TxB2 formation. 3 In the rat, aspirin and CHI abolished TxB2 formation but had no effect on aggregation. CP/CPK completely inhibited aggregation and partially inhibited TxB2 generation. 4 In man, collagen-induced aggregation is largely dependent on ADP and to a lesser extent on arachidonate metabolites whereas, in the rat, ADP alone mediates aggregation induced by this agonist. 5 The results with CP/CPK suggest that TxB2 formation is dependent either on the prior release of platelet ADP or on aggregation itself rather than being responsible for the aggregation response.

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