Alimentation d'agneaux à partir de la paille traitée à l'ammoniac. I. - Valeur nutritive, croissance et qualité des carcasses des animaux

Wheat straw was treated with 5% ammonia for 8 wk at a mean temperature of C, and its nutritive value was measured. Determination of the digestibility of this straw was first made during 3 successive periods using adult Merinos d''Arles rams. Then 3 groups of 6 male lambs issued from a Berrichon ram and Romanov .times. Merino Fl ewes were fed the treated straw (70% of the diet). Growth performances from 22-35 kg and the carcass composition at slaughter were studied. The N content of the straw increased from 0.48% (3% total crude protein) to 1.52% (9.5% total crude protein) by the treatment. The N solubility remained low, increasing from 22-39%. The energy value increased from 0.41 UFL for the crude straw to 0.68 UFL for the treated one, if used alone. The addition of 30% concentrate feed did not significantly affect energy level. These diets including NH3 treated straw admixed with concentrates (30% of the total dry matter) allowed mean daily growth rates of 91 g, a satisfactory carcass quality which never caused toxic effects.