Retinal Artery Obstruction and Atheromas Associated With Non-Hodgkin's Large Cell Lymphoma (Reticulum Cell Sarcoma)

• A 71-year-old woman developed branch retinal artery obstruction as the presenting manifestation of a large cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Multifocal chorioretinal scars were present in the same eye. She experienced progressive visual loss accompanied by development of multiple yellow retinal arterial wall plaques, extension of retinal opacification into other quadrants, and increasing vitreous cellular infiltration. Clinical diagnoses included branch retinal arterial obstruction caused by toxoplasmosis retinitis, multifocal choroiditis and panuveitis simulating the presumed ocular histoplasmosis syndrome, vitiliginous chorioretinitis, and the acute retinal necrosis syndrome. Four months after on-set, the right eye was blind and was enucleated. Histopathologic examination revealed extensive lymphomatous infiltration and necrosis of the retina and optic nerve. The retinal arteries were partly obstructed by lymphomatous infiltration and atheromas. Subsequently, the left eye and central nervous system were involved by lymphoma.

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