Travelling waves in a nonlinear degenerate diffusion model for bacterial pattern formation

We study a reaction difiusion model recently proposed in (5) to describe the spatiotemporal evolution of the bacterium Bacillus subtilis on agar plates containing nutrient. An interesting mathematical feature of the model, which is a coupled pair of partial difierential equations, is that the bac- terial density satisfles a degenerate nonlinear difiusion equation. It was shown numerically that this model can exhibit quasi-one-dimensional constant speed travelling wave solutions. We present an analytic study of the existence and uniqueness problem for constant speed travelling wave solutions. We flnd that such solutions exist only for speeds greater than some threshold speed giving minimum speed waves which have a sharp proflle. For speeds greater than this minimum speed the waves are smooth. We also characterise the depen- dence of the wave proflle on the decay of the front of the initial perturbation in bacterial density. An investigation of the partial difierential equation prob- lem establishes, via a global existence and uniqueness argument, that these waves are the only long time solutions supported by the problem. Numerical solutions of the partial difierential equation problem are presented and they conflrm the results of the analysis.

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