The performance of Brahman-Shorthorn and Sahiwal-Shorthorn beef cattle in the dry tropics of northern Queensland. 5. Scrotal circumference, temperament, ectoparasite resistance, and the genetics of growth and other traits in bulls

The genetics of growth to 24 months, scrotal circumference (SC) at 24 months and temperaments at 6, 12 and 18 months in 7 year groups of F2 et seq., 1/2 Brahman, 1/2 Sahiwal, 3/4 Brahman and 3/4 Sahiwal bulls were investigated in the dry tropics of northern Queensland. Cattle tick (Boophilus microplus) and buffalo fly (Haematobia irritans exigua) resistance were also assessed at 24 months. Scrotal circumference at 24 months was highest in 1/2 Sahiwal crosses (28 cm v. 26-27 cm; P0.05). The rG of SC with post-weaning growth rates were negative (-0.4 to -0.8). The rG of SC with weights up to 18 months were not significantly different to zero, but tended to be negative with weight at 24 months.