Physiologic formation of intracellular vesicles in mature erythrocytes

The ability of mature erythrocytes to spontaneously form intracellular vesicles has been implied from clinical studies but has not been examined experimentally. An in vitro model was developed to demonstrate whether mature erythrocytes are capable of spontaneously forming intracellular vesicles. Normal human erythrocytes were incubated in vitro at 37°C for 144 hr in a synthetic medium. During the course of these incubations, approximately 4% of erythrocytes developed intracellular vesicles which were quantitated by using interference contrast microscopy. Electron microscopic studies confirmed the intracellular nature of these vesicles. Incubation of erythrocytes in autologous plasma produced similar results. The rate of vesicle acqulsition in vivo was measured by quantitating erythrocyte vesicles immediately prior to and following splenectomy. The rates of vesicle acquisition in vivo and in vitro were comparable. This in vitro model confirms the ability of mature erythrocytes to spontaneously form intracellular vesicles and strongly supports the concept that this is a physiologic process.