The favorite location of pityriasis versicolor is the upper part of the trunk. However, the disease may begin in or spread to other parts of the skin. Thus, its location in the follicular orifices has been recorded by McEwen,1 Aleixo2 and Perin and Langlois3; in the plantar region, by Smith4; in the palmar region, by Gottheil5; on the nails, by Campana6; on the dorsa of the hands and forearms, by Orsini7; in the inguinal and inguinocrural regions, by Perin and Langlois3 and Moore8; on the internal surfaces of the thighs, by Aleixo9; on the female breast, by Rietman10; on the face, by Biart,11 Smith,12 Gottheil,13 Allen,14 Sidlick and Corson,15 Besnier,16 Payne,17 Arton,18 Dubreuilh19 and Aleixo2; in the folds of the joints, by Gougerot, Blum and Duché,20 and in