In an exploratory study of the construct validity of Guglielmino's Self-directed Learning Readiness Scale, 41 graduate students in education were administered the following criterion measures: Sounds and Images (Originality), Thinking Creatively About the Future (Fluency and Originality), Schaefer's Simile Test (Originality), Templeton's Photoanalogies Test, Gershon and Guilford's Possible Jobs test, Khatena and Torrance's What Kind of Person Are You? and Something About Myself, and Torrance's Style of Learning and Thinking test, Product-moment coefficients of correlation between the total Self-directed Learning Readiness Scale scores and the criterion measures supported the construct validity of the Self-directed Learning Readiness Scale with statistically significant relationships for all three of the originality measures ( rs = .52, .38, and .52), the measure of ability to produce analogies ( r = .48), creative achievements and experiences ( r = .71), and the right and left hemisphere styles of learning ( rs = .43 and —.34, respectively).

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