The in vitro interaction of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) with an immune serum resulted in a fraction of virus which failed to be neutralized. This inability of antibody to neutralize the entire population of a virus preparation was studied with emphasis on the antigenic specificity of the antibody-virus reaction. Antibody to FMDV recognized multiple antigenic determinants. Immunoadsorbent fractionation of the serum into 12S subunit cross-reactive and 140S virion-specific antibody revealed that these multiple antigenic determinants are factors in determining the neutralizing ability of the antibody. Antibody specific to the infective 140S virion neutralized virus effectively; antibody reactive with both the 140S virion and 12S non-infective component did so ineffectively. Neutralization was independent of viral aggregation, strain or type heterogeneity, dissociation of the immune complex, heterogeneity of antibody class or incubation time. The non-neutralized fraction of virus was not due to insufficient antibody in the system, was demonstrated to be complexed with antibody (sensitized) and could be neutralized with anti-globulin serum. The findings demonstrate the heterogeneity of antibody specificity to FMDV in serum preparations and relate the importance of antibody specificity to the neutralization of virus in vitro.