Angular and Direction-Polarization Correlation for Co60, Cs134, and Sb124

Using the experimental techniques of Metzger and Deutsch the gamma-gamma angular and direction-polarization correlations have been measured for Co60, Cs134 and Sb124. The reliable results of previous investigations were confirmed for Co60 and served to check the instrument. The direction-polarization of Cs134 is consistent with a 4-2-0; EQ,EQ spin assignment. The absence of gamma-gamma angular and direction-polarization correlation in Sb124 requires a multipole mixture for the upper transition and a 3-2-0 spin assignment to the levels involved in the gamma-gamma transitions with no parity changes. The beta-gamma angular and direction-polarization correlation in Sb124 agrees with the 3-2-0 spin assignments for the levels of the beta-gamma transitions and with an EQ gamma.