Effect of Rock Content on Compaction Characteristics of Clayey Gravel

This paper contains results of compaction studies which have been conducted by the California Department of Water Resources on the very rocky soil selected for the impervious core of the Oroville Dam in California. The material studied was a clayey sand to clayey gravel containing a percentage of plus No. 4 U. S. Standard sieve size varying up to 65 per cent by dry weight of total sample. Considerable attention was paid to effect on compaction characteristics of varying maximum particle size, mold diameter, and hammer size and weight. Comparisons were made between the moisture-density relationship as determined by test and as computed using a theoretical rock correction factor. Families of curves were developed which showed the influence of moisture content of the minus No. 4 fraction on total sample dry density. The test results support findings by others that total sample maximum densities deviate from theoretically computed values based on the soil fraction at relatively low rock contents. For tests on the minus 1 ½-in. fraction, however, a very small correction factor is needed. The plasticity of the soil fraction is shown to have a noticeable effect on the total sample maximum density.

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