Formation of Hydroxyl Radicals from Reaction of Cu(II)/Wool Keratin Complex with Hydrogen Peroxide

In order to determine thatthe degradation of wool keratin molecules in the Cu(II)/ wool keratin complex / hydrogen peroxide system may be brought about by the hy droxyl radical formed in this system, hydroxyl radical formation was measured using the thiobarbituric acid method. The Cu(II)/wool keratin complex can yield hydroxyl radicals by reaction with hydrogen peroxide, but under anaerobic conditions the amount of hydroxyl radical formation is less than that under aerobic conditions. Epi nephrine oxidation, an indicator of superoxide radical generation, occurs in the reaction of this system. These results indicate that the Cu(II)/wool keratin complex appears to catalyze hydroxyl radical formation from the hydrogen peroxide superoxide radical being formed as an intermediate. The sequence of reactions leading to hydroxyl radical formation is essentially the metal catalyzed Haber-Weiss reaction.