A comparison of the serum proteins of normal rats with those of rats bearing liver tumours

The composition of the serum proteins of normal rats and those bearing liver tumors was compared by paper electrophoresis, zone electrophoresis and immunological methods. The electrophoretic methods, particularly zone electrophoresis, showed that the serum protein of the tumor-bearing animals contained more protein of the mobility of the [alpha]-globulins than did normal serum. Immunological methods, particularly the Ouchterlony plate method as modified by Bjorklund, showed that one or more components of the normal serum proteins were present in increased concentration in the tumor serum. Similar results were obtained with serum from either pregnant rats or rats after partial hepatectomy. Immunoelectrophoretic methods showed that the proteins present in an increased concentration in the tumor serum had mobilities corresponding to a1- and a2-globlins respectively.