Does pretreatment by rhodamine 6-G affect the mitochondrial composition of fusion-derived Nicotiana cybrids?

Rhodamine-6G(R6G), a lipophilic dye which degrades mammalian mitochondria, was shown to arrest the division of Nicotiana protoplasts. When albino recipient-protoplasts were treated with R6G and fused with X-irradiated (green) donor- protoplasts, only green cybrid plants were obtained. The mtDNA of the cybrids was analyzed by Southern-blot hybridization. We found that cybrids which resulted from N. rustica (donor) protoplasts, fused with R6G-treated albino protoplasts, had only parental-type mtDNA. When another donor, with N. undulata mtDNA, was used, most of the resulting cybrids contained non-parental mtDNA. Only one cybrid (out of 12) had N. undulata -type (donor) mtDNA.