Elemental abundance analyses were performed for three superficially normal main-sequence stars θ Leonis (A2V), τ Herculus (B5IV) and o Pegasi (A1IV). These studies used coadded spectrograms produced from at least 12 2.4 Å mm−1 IIaO Dominion Astrophysical Observatory spectrograms and show a greater degree of internal consistency and smaller microturbulent velocities than previous studies of these stars which used lower signal-to-noise data. Many lines not previously seen were identified including some of new atomic species whose analysis provide a more complete picture of the elemental abundances. The identification and analysis of Lan lines (and possibly those of several other lanthanides) in o Peg link this star more closely with the classical metallic-lined (Am) stars, although there are considerable differences in abundances. Some of Θ Leo's elemental abundances, particularly those of vanadium, strontium, and zirconium, are significantly different from solar in confirmation of previous analyses, τ Her's elemental abundances are typically a factor of 2 less than solar. The random errors in the derived abundances are probably less than a factor of 2.

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