1. The oviposition biology of the siricid woodwasps, Sirex noctilio, S.juvencus, S.cyaneus, Urocerus gigas, U.augur, U.fantoma, U.sah and Xeris spectrum was investigated. The fecundity of each siricid species was related to adult size although S.noctilio laid relatively fewer eggs than other species.2. Oviposition drill architecture in host trees is characteristic for the different siricid genera and was found to be related to the length of the ovipositor. The shape of the egg is also characteristic for each genus.3. Species of the symbiotic fungus, Amylostereum, were found to be associated with all species except X. spectrum. The emplacement of fungus in relation to oviposition drills was investigated.4. S.noctilio females have relatively larger mucus glands and reservoirs than other siricid species.5. The response of X.spectrum females to previously infested timber was studied experimentally. A positive response to previously infested timber and Amylostereum inoculated sawdust was demonstrated.6. The longevity of adults, oviposition rates and incubation period of eggs was investigated.7. The results are discussed in relation to the ecology of siricids in Europe and Australia.