Relationships among Type A behavior, employment experiences, and gender: The Minnesota heart survey

Previous studies indicate that Type A behavior is more prevalent among men than women. This sex difference may reflect variations in men's and women's job experiences, some of which may act as catalysts for Type A behavior. This study examines the relationship of Type A behavior (measured by the Jenkins Activity Survey) to men's and women's work hours, occupational mobility, and job-related interactions, using data from a population-based survey of 2512 employed men and women conducted in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, between 1980 and 1982. Among both sexes, Type A behavior is related to long work hours, high occupational mobility, and nonsupportive interactions with co-workers, all job experiences more common for men than for women. No sex differences are found in the relationships between Type A behavior and these job experiences. Also, no sex difference is observed in the unadjusted Type A scores or in these scores when either age, education, or marital status is taken into account. The expected direction of the sex difference in Type A behavior is reversed when work hours are controlled: women have a higher Type A score than men when work hours are considered.