Na22(n,p)22Ne andNa22(n,α)19F cross sections from 25 meV to 35 keV

The Na22(n,p0), (n,p1), (n,α0), (n,α1), and (n,α2) cross sections have been measured at thermal neutron energy. In addition, the p0 and p1 cross sections have been measured from thermal energy to 420 eV and 35 keV, respectively. These new data were used to discern the structure of Na23 near the neutron threshold. In particular, it was found that a ((7/2)+ resonance dominates the p1 cross section but contributes very little to the p0 cross section. The p0, and also most probably the (n,α0) cross sections, are instead dominated by a separate ((5/2)+ resonance. The Na22(n,p)22Ne astrophysical reaction rate, NA〈σv〉, was calculated using our new data and compared to published theoretical rates used in previous nucleosynthesis calculations. It was found that the theoretical rates are approximately a factor of 5 to 10 different from the experimental one at most temperatures measured. We discuss the possible implications of this difference on nucleosynthesis calculations for Na22 and Ne22.