The non-linear evolution of bispectrum from the scale-free N-body simulation

We have accurately measured the bispectrum for four scale-free models of structure formation with the spectral index $n=1$, 0, -1, and -2. The measurement is based on a new method that can effectively eliminate the alias and numerical artifacts, and reliably extend the analysis into the strongly non-linear regime. The work makes use of a set of state-of-the art N-body simulations that have significantly increased the resolution range compared with the previous studies on the subject. With these measured results, we demonstrated that the measured bispectrum depends on the shape and size of $k$-triangle even in the strongly nonlinear regime. It increases with wavenumber and decreases with the spectral index. These results are in contrast with the hypothesis that the reduced bispectrum is a constant in the strongly non-linear regime. We also show that the fitting formula of Scoccimarro & Frieman (1999) does not describe our simulation results well (with a typical error about 40 percent). In the end, we present a new fitting formula for the reduced bispectrum that is valid for $-2 \leq n \leq 0$ with a typical error of 10 percent only.

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