Chronic recording techniques in freely walking cats have been used to sample unitary activity from most large myelinated afferent classes. Cutaneous mechanoreceptors are highly sensitive and generate regular activity patterns predictable from their modalities. Knee joint afferents can fire briskly during midrange locomotory movements but appear to be influenced by factors other than joint angle. Golgi tendon organs generate activity consistent with sensitivity to active muscle tension. Muscle spindle afferents do not appear to conform to any single functional pattern for all muscles. It is suggested that degree and rate of stretch are sensed by spindles (possibly under dynamic fusimotor bias) in extensor muscles which normally undergo isometric or lengthening contractions whereas rapidly modulated static fusimotor activity is employed to preserve spindle activity during the rapidly shortening contractions of flexor muscles. Both patterns may be represented in different spindles of bifunctional, biarticular muscles such as rectus femoris and sartorius.