Serum immunoglobulins to endotoxin core glycolipid: establishment of normal concentrations.

Serum antibody to lipopolysaccharide core glycolipid was measured in normal children and in full term and premature (less than or equal to 1500 g) infants. Antilipopolysaccharide core glycolipid antibody was present in term infants and normal children, and reached adult titres by 15 years of age. The specific anti core glycolipid antibody was predominately of the IgG class. Preterm infants (less than 32 weeks' gestation) had significantly lower titres of antilipopolysaccharide core glycolipid than more mature preterm or term infants. The results suggest that administration of anticore glycolipid immunoglobulin may be beneficial in the treatment or prevention of Gram negative septicaemia in preterm and very young infants.