TheM-Series Absorption Spectrum of Tantalum

The M-series absorption spectrum of tantalum (73) has been investigated, with a vacuum spectrograph of the Siegbahn type. The absorption screens were metallic tantalum, prepared by an evaporation process. Spectrograms were obtained for three absorption limits at 5.64A (MIII), 6.773A (MIV), and 6.997A (MV). When the experimental νR values are compared to values calculated from L-absorption and emission data, the experimental values for MIV and MV show a displacement toward higher frequencies and the MIII limit a displacement toward lower frequencies. These discrepancies are in agreement with those found by several other investigators in the region from W(74) to Au(79). The MIII limit has the appearance of a white line, and MIV and MV are diffuse in character. The possibility of an explanation of these discrepancies on the basis of transitions to levels in the periphery of the atom is suggested.