Pregnant Merino sheep, about 1–3 weeks from term, were used. The sheep, aged about 3–4 yr., were obtained from Glenthorne Experimental Station near Adelaide, where they had been feeding on an improved mixed pasture. Sodium pentobarbitone (Abbott) was used for anaesthesia. Glucose-saline (5% glucose in 0·9% NaCl solution) was given i.v. as required. Lambs were removed by caesarian section, placed on a warm tray and covered with warm cloths. The umbilical cord was very carefully handled to avoid interference with the circulation and kept warm and moist with saline. Heparin was administered i.v. through a jugular vein. After cannulation, following the method of Bush & Ferguson (1953), left adrenal venous blood was collected in a measuring cylinder which was kept in packed ice. Timed samples of blood were centrifuged and the plasma stored deep-frozen for analysis. At the end of the collection period, 1–2 hr., a blood sample was taken

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