The diagnostic value of barium meal and endoscopy for the diagnosis of gastric ulcer and cancer was studied in 173 unselected patients with upper abdominal dyspepsia. The predictive value of both positive and negative results was higher for endoscopy than for barium meal. This was also found in earlier studies comprising hospitalized patients, with a consequent higher prevalence of disease, but this study shows that the superiority of endoscopy is maintained in a low-prevalence outpatient population. The diagnostic efficiency of both endoscopy and X-ray was independent of the order of examination. Knowledge of the result of the first examination thus did not improve the efficiency of the second one. Parallel use of endoscopy and barium meal results in a maximum of diagnostic yield but requires the high cost of double examination and supplementary examinations in cases of discrepancy between the two results. Routine use of barium meal with selective use of endoscopy in X-ray-positive cases requires a smaller number of examinations but results in the loss of an unacceptable number of diagnoses. When both costs and diagnostic yield are considered, endoscopy seems to be the examination of choice, with X-ray examination reserved for exceptional cases when endoscopy for one reason or another cannot be carried out. Hospital facilities should be planned with the aim of developing endoscopic services capable of taking over the traditional leading role of X-ray examination in the gastroduodenal field.