Breastfeeding Among Women in the Alabama WIC Program

Women who participated in the Alabama WIC Program during 1986-88 and ceased breastfeeding during the months of May to August duringthoseyearsbreastfed an average 5.6months. Slightly fewer than 15 percent of the women who breastfed continued for 12 months or longer; 45 percent continued for six months; 59 percent did so for 4 months; and 21 percent breastfed for one month or less. Breastfeeding duration was related positively and independently to increased maternal age and parity. Younger women were more likely than older women to stop breastfeeding due to perceived insufficient milk, in order to return to work or school, or to use oral contraceptives. Women who ceased breastfeeding at or after one year postpartum tended to be older.