Isolation and Separation of Inositol 1-Phosphate, Cyclic Inositol 1,2-Phosphate, and Glycerylphosphoinositol from Tissue Culture Cells Labeled with [3H]Inositol

Water-soluble phosphorylated inositol derivatives were separated from each other and from inositol by ion exchange and by TLC. The method, in combination with radioactive labeling, is sensitive enough to be applied to single tissue culture dishes corresponding to 106-107 cells. With this technique glycerylphosphoinositol, inositol 1-phosphate, cyclic inositol 1,2-phosphate, and at least 3 other inositol labeled compounds can be detected in human, monkey, hamster, mouse and Japanese quail fibroblasts. During a 24-h incubation with [3H]inositol the extent of labeling of these compounds differed according to the cell type.