A methodological study has been carried out using the rabbit mesentery for the investigation of the initial haemostatic mechanism in the microvasculature. Heaemostatic plug formation in proximal arteriolar ends differ from that in venules in many respects. The arteriolar haemostatic plug formation time is shorter than the venular and it is vessel size dependent in arterioles but not in venules. The frequency of rebleeding is higher and the rebleeding time is longer in venules than in arterioles. It is stressed that, the same vessel type and size should be used in comparative studies if comparable results are to be obtained. It is also shown that most of the rebleedings appear within 10 minutes of the cessation of the primary bleeding and that the haemostatic plug formation time shows a skew distribution, which should be taken into account in statistical calculations. The importance of using an adequate experimental technique including a sharp and swift transection of the vessel is also stressed.