SUMMARY: Digestibility trials were carried out using wether sheep, to determine the organicmatter digestibility of several forages. Acid detergent fibre (ADF) was isolated from samples of feed and faeces, incubated in buffered cellulase solution, and the ash-free residue remaining (IADF) was used as an internal marker to estimate the organicmatter digestibility (OMD) of the feeds. Estimates of the OMD value of the samples were also made using the standard in vitro digestibility technique.IADF had reached a constant value after incubation for 4–5·5 days and predicted OMD more precisely than the in vitro digestibility technique.It is concluded that IADF is a suitable internal marker and predicts OMD well. However, more work is required to test this technique over a wider range of herbage species and digestibilities.