Interleukin 2 mediates p72syk activation in peripheral blood lymphocytes

The ability of interleukin 2 (IL‐2) to stimulate p72 syk activity in intact porcine peripheral blood lymphocytes was examined. We demonstrated that IL‐2 activated p72 syk in a time‐ and dose‐dependent number, for which its peak time and maximum responsive dose were 5 min and 100 U/ml, respectively. This activation was observed only in cytosolic fractions and not in membrane ones. However, IL‐2 failed to induced calcium mobilization. Moreover, IL‐2‐inducible p72 syk activation was not affected when extra and intracellular calcium was depleted. These data suggest that the IL‐2 signaling pathways through p72 syk in peripheral blood lymphocytes is different, at least in part, from other agonist, such as concanavalin A in polymorphonuclear neutrophils which can trigger both the activation of p72 syk and intracellular calcium mobilization.