Localization and quantitation of proteins characteristic of the complexed membrane of Bacillus subtilis

We prepared antibodies to four proteins (molecular weights, 68,000, 64,000, 45,000, and 31,000) that are characteristic of the complexed (ribosome-bearing) fraction of the membrane of Bacillus subtilis and found that these proteins are immunologically distinct. Quantitation by immunoprecipitation confirmed that the ribosome-free membrane fraction contains much lower concentrations of these four proteins than the complexed-membrane fraction. The 64-kilodalton protein appeared to be attached more loosely than the other proteins, since it was more readily extracted from the membrane. In addition, this protein was also present in the cytosol in an even greater amount than in the membrane. The 68-, 64-, and 31-kilodalton proteins are present in cells in stoichiometrically equivalent amounts.