Health Studies—Presumably Normal High School Students

STUDIES OF ABSENCES of students from high school may be of interest to nurses and physicians responsible for school health programs since they describe the extent and kinds of morbidity in school populations, the association of absences with other student attributes, and the effectiveness of present measures used to monitor and/or control absences. The following characteristics of absence were observed as part of a study of the health of presumably normal high school students: (1) distribution of absence frequency, duration and cause by sex, age, and time; (2) patterns of absence frequency of individual students in successive years of school attendance; (3) association of absence frequency and cause with other characteristics of students; (4) signs and symptoms associated with absence causing physical illness and kinds of treatment received luring these illnesses; and (5) evaluation of he effectiveness of the readmission health ap[ill]raisal and the written excuse in attendance [ill]ontrol. Two